I know I wrote about how much I love smoothies a few months back. I still make a smoothie every day for breakfast or lunch! My Mom, who I’ve also talked about before, went on a diet change and lost 20 lbs! Now, she looks way better then me and swears she owes it all to the NutriBullet!



She became obsessed with this thing; making smoothies for my Dad and Brother and even offered smoothies to our UPS man. I wouldn’t doubt it if she made a smoothie for my cat too! She would call me every morning asking, “Did you make your bullet?” “What kind of stuff did you put in your bullet?” Bullet! Bullet! Bullet! I thought she was getting a little ridiculous. I mean, my smoothies were not life altering, they always came out too thick or too watery. It was a biotch to clean and I was always making too little or too much. …but that’s because I used a Ninja. When I went home to visit my family for three months, I started using the bullet and my life was changed! The best part was the smoothies could be made on the go. I’m not too much of a morning person so I tend to skip breakfast in a fit of rush. So when I found out the that the cup you blend with is the cup you drink out of, I was sold. It’s powerful, easy to clean, and always creates a good consistency.

I was sad to part with the NutriBullet and to go back to my Ninja, but for once I’ll be waiting for those Bed Bath and Beyond coupons to come in the mail so I can obsess over my own bullets!
